
production   ZOMDIC FILMS

US is a short documentary made for Lancashire County Council for refugee week. The idea for the name of the film came from Ola, a Syrian refugee living in Lancashire. US is about informing the people of Lancashire and beyond what it means to be a refugee living in the UK. What it feels like to have to leave your home, your friends, your family, to uproot and be placed somewhere completely alien.

The refugees taking part in this documentary wanted to let people know their experiences of migration without dwelling on the often horrific stories that brought them here to the UK. It isn’t about the horrors it’s about the personal journey’s of discovery they have been on since they arrived here.

Thank you Ola, Yuliia, Balqis, Abid, Yousef, Carolina and Aida for trusting me with your stories.

‘Sometimes when you are in the darkest place you think that you have been buried, but actually you have been planted.’